表格中包括了各种型号的iPad、iPhone、以及iPod touch等设备的详细信息,涵盖了从iPad Pro到各代iPhone和iPod touch的多个型号。
Device screen sizes and orientations
Device |
Dimensions (portrait) |
12.9” iPad Pro |
1024x1366 pt (2048x2732 px @2x) |
11” iPad Pro |
834x1194 pt (1668x2388 px @2x) |
10.5” iPad Pro |
834x1194 pt (1668x2388 px @2x) |
9.7” iPad Pro |
768x1024 pt (1536x2048 px @2x) |
8.3” iPad mini |
744x1133 pt (1488x2266 px @2x) |
7.9” iPad mini |
768x1024 pt (1536x2048 px @2x) |
10.9” iPad Air |
820x1180 pt (1640x2360 px @2x) |
10.5” iPad Air |
834x1112 pt (1668x2224 px @2x) |
9.7” iPad Air |
768x1024 pt (1536x2048 px @2x) |
10.2” iPad |
810x1080 pt (1620x2160 px @2x) |
9.7” iPad |
768x1024 pt (1536x2048 px @2x) |
iPhone 15 Pro Max |
430x932 pt (1290x2796 px @3x) |
iPhone 15 Pro |
393x852 pt (1179x2556 px @3x) |
iPhone 15 Plus |
430x932 pt (1290x2796 px @3x) |
iPhone 15 |
393x852 pt (1179x2556 px @3x) |
iPhone 14 Pro Max |
430x932 pt (1290x2796 px @3x) |
iPhone 14 Pro |
393x852 pt (1179x2556 px @3x) |
iPhone 14 Plus |
428x926 pt (1284x2778 px @3x) |
iPhone 14 |
390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x) |
iPhone 13 Pro Max |
428x926 pt (1284x2778 px @3x) |
iPhone 13 Pro |
390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x) |
iPhone 13 |
390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x) |
iPhone 13 mini |
375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x) |
iPhone 12 Pro Max |
428x926 pt (1284x2778 px @3x) |
iPhone 12 Pro |
390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x) |
iPhone 12 |
390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x) |
iPhone 12 mini |
375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x) |
iPhone 11 Pro Max |
414x896 pt (1242x2688 px @3x) |
iPhone 11 Pro |
375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x) |
iPhone 11 |
414x896 pt (828x1792 px @2x) |
iPhone XS Max |
414x896 pt (1242x2688 px @3x) |
iPhone XS |
375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x) |
iPhone XR |
414x896 pt (828x1792 px @2x) |
iPhone X |
375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x) |
iPhone 8 Plus |
414x736 pt (1080x1920 px @3x) |
iPhone 8 |
375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x) |
iPhone 7 Plus |
414x736 pt (1080x1920 px @3x) |
iPhone 7 |
375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x) |
iPhone 6s Plus |
414x736 pt (1080x1920 px @3x) |
iPhone 6s |
375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x) |
iPhone 6 Plus |
414x736 pt (1080x1920 px @3x) |
iPhone 6 |
375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x) |
4.7” iPhone SE |
375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x) |
4” iPhone SE |
320x568 pt (640x1136 px @2x) |
iPod touch 5th generation and later |
320x568 pt (640x1136 px @2x) |
这个表格列出了不同设备的屏幕尺寸和方向(portrait and landscape,纵向/横向)以及它们在point(pt)和像素(px)之间的转换关系。
比如,以iPad Pro系列为例,12.9英寸的iPad Pro在纵向模式下的尺寸为1024x1366 pt,对应的像素为2048x2732 px @2x。这意味着在这种模式下,屏幕上有1024x1366个点,实际显示时为2048x2732个像素。
Device size classes
常规宽度,常规高度(Regular width, Regular height):这种尺寸类别适用于较大的屏幕,如iPad等大屏设备,以及iPhone在横向模式下。在这种情况下,应用程序通常有更多的空间来展示内容,因此可以考虑采用更复杂的布局和设计。
紧凑宽度,紧凑高度(Compact width, Compact height):这种尺寸类别适用于较小的屏幕,如iPhone等小屏设备,以及iPad在竖向模式下。在这种情况下,屏幕空间有限,因此应用程序可能需要采取简化布局或调整元素大小以适应较小的屏幕空间。
对于开发者来说,理解不同尺寸类别的差异可以帮助他们更好地设计适配不同设备的界面布局。通过使用Auto Layout和Size Classes等技术,开发者可以针对不同尺寸类别创建灵活的界面,确保应用程序在各种设备上都能够呈现出最佳的用户体验。
Device |
Portrait orientation |
Landscape orientation |
12.9” iPad Pro |
Regular width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
11” iPad Pro |
Regular width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
10.5” iPad Pro |
Regular width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
9.7” iPad |
Regular width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
7.9” iPad mini |
Regular width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
iPhone 15 Pro Max |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 15 Pro |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 15 Plus |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 15 |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 14 Pro Max |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 14 Pro |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 14 Plus |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 14 |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 13 Pro Max |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 13 Pro |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 13 |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 13 mini |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 12 Pro Max |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 12 Pro |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 12 |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 12 mini |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 11 Pro Max |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 11 Pro |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 11 |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone XS Max |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone XS |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone XR |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone X |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 8 Plus |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 8 |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 7 Plus |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 7 |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone 6s Plus |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, compact height |
iPhone 6s |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPhone SE |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |
iPod touch 5th generation and later |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, compact height |

Device |
Mode |
Portrait orientation |
Landscape orientation |
12.9” iPad Pro |
2/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
1/2 split view |
N/A |
Regular width, regular height |
1/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, regular height |
11” iPad Pro |
2/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
1/2 split view |
N/A |
Compact width, regular height |
1/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, regular height |
10.5” iPad Pro |
2/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
1/2 split view |
N/A |
Compact width, regular height |
1/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, regular height |
9.7” iPad |
2/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
1/2 split view |
N/A |
Compact width, regular height |
1/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, regular height |
7.9” iPad mini 4 |
2/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Regular width, regular height |
1/2 split view |
N/A |
Compact width, regular height |
1/3 split view |
Compact width, regular height |
Compact width, regular height |
内容调整: 在紧凑高度的屏幕上,由于可视空间较小,您可能需要调整文本、图片等内容的大小,以确保其在较小的屏幕上能够清晰可见且不会显得拥挤。
布局简化: 考虑简化界面布局,特别是在紧凑高度的情况下,避免使用过多的复杂布局或大量的内容,以保持界面的简洁和清晰度。
隐藏不必要的元素: 根据屏幕空间的限制,您可以考虑根据尺寸类别隐藏一些不必要或次要的界面元素,以确保用户在紧凑高度的设备上获得更好的体验。
使用滚动视图: 如果您的应用中包含大量内容,可以考虑将部分内容放置在滚动视图中,以便用户可以在有限的空间内滚动查看更多内容。
测试和调整: 最重要的是,确保在紧凑高度的设备上进行充分的测试,并根据测试结果对界面布局和元素大小进行调整,以确保用户体验良好。